Your perseverance will be rewarded with several accomplishments. Some emotional stress at the start of the year might impair your judgments. You will get a chance to travel overseas and may be required to make extended business travels. The Money Planet, Venus, visits your second house of money between 10th April and 6th May — however, because Mercury will go retrograde in your sign between 21st April and 14th May, you will need to be careful with your cash. Avoid letting stress take over your life by taking care of your health.
The great news is that Jupiter begins gracing your sign starting 15th May, creating an ultra-lucky connection with the Lunar North Node between 11th May and 21st June.
During this time, you could end up meeting key people that will later translate into profitable clients or business partners. If single, you'll meet interesting people and set the stage for tying the knot.